TruGreen specialized lawn services
the science of loving your lawn.
Lawn Renovation
When damaged lawns are in need of an overhaul, our Lawn Renovation service breathes new life into turf. Whether it was ravaged by insects, drought, disease or simply neglected, this renovation goes beyond regular maintenance to help get your lawn back to top condition.
Benefits of Lawn Renovation
- Better soil quality
- Improved nutrient absorption
- More efficient water usage
- Enhanced thatch breakdown
- Increased disease & insect resistance
- Improved weed resistance
- Thicker, healthier turf
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the science of our success
TruGreen science-based solutions are tailored to produce superior lawn results.

Our Lawn Renovation service combines the benefits of core aeration, topdressing and overseeding to restore life to your lawn and optimize its growth. Your TruGreen specialist begins by performing a core aeration, which removes small plugs of turf, thatch and soil from your lawn. This increases the flow of air, water and nutrients to the root zone.
Next, we nourish your soil with a rich topdressing that acts as a prime seedbed, and then spread our top-quality, custom blended seed for maximum growing power. Any lawn will benefit from this renovation, though it is designed specifically for lawns in need of repair.
additional services for your area
Optimize growing conditions for better nutrient absorption, oxygen exchange and root growth.
Aeration w/ Overseeding
Reap the benefits of a lawn prepared with core aeration, plus get the growing power of a custom-blended lawn seeding.
Our five-visit TruNatural program offers you the same services as the TruHealth program, using only all-natural fertilizers.
Targeted Trunk Injection
Use targeted trunk injections to deposit scientifically formulated solutions into the vascular system of your trees without causing damage.
Emerald Ash Borer
Protect your valuable ash trees from this ravaging insect pest sweeping across the province.
Natural Insect Control
Evaluation and treatment of damage caused by specific tree and shrub damaging insects