TruGreen specialized lawn services
the science of loving your lawn.
Soil quality is the foundation of a healthy, flourishing lawn. TruGreen’s topdressing gives your lawn the ultimate nourishment without the waste, odour, or mess of typical topdressing.
Benefits of Topdressing
- Improved soil quality
- Long-term lawn health
- Composted organic material
- Increased soil micro-organisms
- Better drought resistance
- Effective control of thatch
Or call now 1.855.546.7336
the science of our success
TruGreen science-based solutions are tailored to produce superior lawn results.

Organic compost is a highly-beneficial lawn treatment that is valuable for any lawn. However, to reap the true benefits, it has to be done right. TruGreen applies a 1/8 inch layer of top-quality marine compost to your lawn using our specialized topdress spreader. This unique compost is a blend of all-natural ingredients and is designed to reduce waste and speed compost incorporation into the lawn. It does not have the offensive odour that is characteristic of other composts and contains no weed seeds.
additional services for your area
Optimize growing conditions for better nutrient absorption, oxygen exchange and root growth.
Aeration w/ Overseeding
Reap the benefits of a lawn prepared with core aeration, plus get the growing power of a custom-blended lawn seeding.
Our five-visit TruNatural program offers you the same services as the TruHealth program, using only all-natural fertilizers.
Targeted Trunk Injection
Use targeted trunk injections to deposit scientifically formulated solutions into the vascular system of your trees without causing damage.
Emerald Ash Borer
Protect your valuable ash trees from this ravaging insect pest sweeping across the province.
Natural Insect Control
Evaluation and treatment of damage caused by specific tree and shrub damaging insects